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Paideia High School Summer Reading 2024: Christopher Cruz

Required Summer Reading

Christopher's English Classes

Your summer reading assignment is to read  ONE required book and read or or listen to TWO other books of your choice for a total of THREE books this summer.  

** Christopher prefers that you read the assigned book in print, not digital.

For each of the two Free-Choice books, you will submit a Reading Response form for your grade.

9th Grade English

Read The Norton Sampler (9th Edition): Short Essays for Composition, plus any TWO additional books of your choice.

Read approximately 25 essays from this anthology

Chris' note: There are 60 + essays in this book. Please read what amounts to 100-120 pages of them, in whatever combination you choose. Most of the essays are 4-5 pages in length, so that means you are likely to need to read in the neighborhood of 25 essays.  Keep track of the title of each essay that you read. You will have to write about the specific ones for an assessment.

*** Added note by Chris: the 9th edition is significantly cheaper than the 10th edition, so I'm imploring students to get the 9th edition.


11th & 12th Grade Theme: "Confessional Literature"

Read What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami (any print  edition), plus any TWO additional books of your choice.

11th & 12th Grade Seminar: "A Heap of Broken Images"

Read Angels in America by Tony Kushner, plus any TWO additional books of your choice.