Summer Free-Choice Reading Response
All three reading responses are due by August 14, the first day of school
All rising 7th & 8th graders must read a total of four books over the summer. So that everyone in the junior high has one book they have all read and can talk about, the Community Read book, We Still Belong, is required for everyone. After that, each student's three (3) additional books are completely up to the student. Free choice books may be chosen from among the lists in this website, or any other fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or graphic novel that is reasonable for your age and reading level (ie, not Magic Tree House or Captain Underpants!).
To complete the Free-Choice reading assignment, log in to the Summer Reading Google classroom with your Paideia School email ID & password. Click the Classwork tab at the top of the page, and choose the assignment for your grade in August. Write a short (7-8 sentences) summary of the book's plot (what it's about, what happens), then answer ONE of the prompts below for each book (it can be a different prompt for every one). You can write your answers in a text editing app, then copy-->paste into the form for submitting.
Tip - You must be logged into your Paideia School email/Google account to have access to the form. If the screen says you must ask for permission, go back and double-check that you are logged into your Paideia gmail!
1. This book reminds me of...
2. I can relate to this book/characters/situation because...
3. What this book meant to me is...
4. The issues of this book are relevant to my life because...