This topic is only weeks old, and developing daily. The crowsourced Wikipedia article is a very useful place to start, because the source citations take you to dozens of recent articles, and there's also a detailed timeline of events.
2022 Covid-19 Protests in China (Wikipedia article)
** Anything you read in a Wikipedia article should be confirmed by tracking it back to the primary or secondary sources (linked in the Sources section).**
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New York Times articles from November 1-December 16, 2022 - (lists update daily; if you run out of free articles, send link to Anna)
Keyword search <Protests in China>
Keyword search <Zero Covid>
National Public Radio (NPR) articles - list automatically updates daily
Keyword search <Protests in China>
"What the Tienanmen Protest Can Tell Us About China's Zero-Covid Unrest" (Politico, December 6, 2022)